Kookslam '23

The sun was shining, the waves were rolling, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement at the recent fun, fancy-dress, family surf event. Held at the Splash Surf Centre, this event brought together surfers of all ages and skill levels, dressed in a variety of creative and colorful costumes - all raising money for the Ukraine appeal!

As families arrived, the beach was filled with laughter and chatter as everyone eagerly prepared for the day's activities. Surfs were spotted in a range of costumes, everything from pirates and superheroes, to inflatable sumo wrestler suits and mermaid tails.

Participants were divided into random, 10 man heats, perfect for gnarly wipeouts and lots of laughter, with each heat was judged by a panel of experienced surfers. The costumes added an extra layer of fun to the competition, with surfers dressed as everything from unicorns to zombies riding the waves.

As the day drew to a close, tired but happy surfers gathered for a large final. Prizes were awarded not just for surfing ability, but also for the most creative and fun costumes, and for the best sportsmanship.

Overall, Kookslam, our fun, fancy-dress, family surf event was a huge success. It brought together people from all walks of life and provided a day of excitement, entertainment, and good old-fashioned fun. Whether you were a seasoned surfer or a first-timer, the event had something for everyone, and the memories created on that day will last a lifetime.